We believe that anything that is worth doing at all is worth doing we
Environment Friendliness
We seek to live in harmony with our natural environment.
If we cannot disclose something publicly, we wouldn’t do it.
We don’t let our personal biases and pre-conceived notions influence our analyses.

Financial Propriety
We adhere to very high standards of financial propriety in financial management.
We preserve a secular code of conduct with respect for every religion.
We work in realistic timeframes and strive to stick to them in so far as possible.
Equal Opportunity Employment
We believe in selecting the best people for our team based solely on merit, competition and required skills and excellence.

We believe that all resources are valuable and that their wasteful use should be discouraged.
Accountability to Stakeholders
We feel ourselves accountable to internal and external stakeholders in resource utilization, in program design and implementation and in management decisions.
Non-discrimination on the Basis of Gender, Race, Religion, Caste or Creed
We do not allow our governance, program delivery and financial management decisions to be influenced by considerations of race, gender, religion, caste or creed in any manner whatsoever.
We believe that all resources are valuable and that their wasteful use should be discouraged.