Climate Change is one of the worst concerns of the 21st century and for the coming generation. Greener environment leads to enhanced health outcomes and soothes the sight. TEF has been busy to make the environment greener and cleaner through it horticulture and plantation drives in Lodhran. Prime Minister Imran Khan has launched a national initiative Plant for Pakistan for a green Pakistan under which billions of trees would be planted across Pakistan.

Tareen Education Foundation also participated in the plantation drive at Miranpur Forest Lodhran on August 24, 2019. TEF successfully gathered 1200 students from 7 schools on the day to be a part of this national campaign of planting as much trees as possible.

Mr Jahangir Khan Tareen planted the first sapling which was followed by plantation of 15,000 sapling under a minute. According to Forest Department, it is a record number of trees planted in 1 minutes, and it was all possible because of students.